Sofahund paintings

treadmill for dogs
fit fur life

A treadmill for dogs? - why not!

treadmill for dogs
fit-fur-life medium

1,6 m length, 75 kg weight
for medium breeds
price: EUR 1.954,00

treadmill for dogs
fit-fur-life superior

2,0 m length, 87 kg weight
for large breeds
price: EUR 2.785,00

treadmill for dogs
fit-fur-life professional

2,0 m lenght, 88 kg weight
for large breeds and frequent use
price: EUR 3.600,00

all prices incl 20 % VAT
fit-fur-life owners manual The owners manual gives all tecnical information but also instructions how to train the dog on the treadmill.

youtube-video on the treadmill