Sofahund paintings


for sportiv and elegant dogs

There are a lot of reasons why a dog is wearing a muzzle. Sometimes it is prescribted as in the train or the bus. The sighthounds wear the muzzle also for racing and coursing competitions. Other dogs like so much to eat all the rubbish on their walks, that a muzzle may save their lifes. And other dogs are fearful or agressiv and could therefore bite an other dog or man. Or you just want to give jogging people, cyclist, or mothers with little children a bit more security with your dog.
In each case it is very important that the muzzle is comfortable and gives the dog all the liberty he needs to feel good also running or in a hot summer.

My muzzles are perfect for all those moments - and they are also quite beautiful and amazing.

click on the pic to get more informations about the muzzles

racing muzzles

muzzles in many different sizes for racing/coursing approved from FCI (except paris)
but also fine for free running

coursing muzzles

plastic muzzles mostly one size fits all, adjustable with leather neck band, for sighound sport (but not approved by FCI),
to avoid pinching, fits also also lot of other breeds!

plastic coated wired racing muzzle

available in 17 different sizes from Italian Greyhounds up to Borzoi

price: € 20,00

ilvie UK
small coursing muzzle

very light small plastic muzzle with neck strap
one size fitts all, available in 16 colours
price: € 17,00

extra light wire greyhound muzzle

available in 16 different sizes for all sighthounds from Italian Greyhound, Whippets up to Irish Wolfhounds
price: € 28,00 / € 43,00

ilvie IRL
small coursing muzzle

light small plastic muzzle with neck strap
2 sizes, available in 13 colours
price: € 18,00

skippy - austrialian plastic muzzle skippy
plastic racing muzzle

Australian model, available in 9 different sizes from Whippet up to Borzoi

price: € 20,00

extra long muzzle for Whippet

very light plastic muzzle, available in 9 colours
for all those Whippet with long and elegant heads, if all other muzzles are too short!
price: € 17,00

ilvie MINI ilvie MINI
smallest coursing muzzle

very light tiny plastic muzzle, Australian style - 2 sizes, available in 3 colours
for Italian Greyhounds
price: € 17,00

rocky I
large soft coursing muzzle

soft light large plastic muzzle with neck strap
available in 11 colours and 4 sizes
price: € 17,00

coloured plastic racing muzzle

American type, available in 6 colours and 6 sizes from IG up to Borzoi

price: € 28,00

rocky IRL Saluki
rocky IRL
large strong coursing muzzle

ferm light large plastic muzzle with neck strap
available in 5 colours and 2 lengths
price: € 20,00

offically approved by FCI for sighthound racing/coursing
muzzles rocky II
large coursing muzzle

very light large plastic muzzle with neck strap
available in 9 colours and 3 sizes
price: € 17,00

charly charly
large Irish coursing muzzle

light large close meshed plastic muzzle with neck strap
for Saluki up to Borzoi

price: € 20,00

box muzzles

muzzles for free time: for free running, visits at the Vet, traveling in public transports, visits at the groomer
for sighthounds and many other breeds

bite proof muzzles

muzzles for free time: for free running, visits at the Vet, traveling in public transports, visits at the groomer - also for aggressif dogs
not sighthounds

colored walking muzzle

light plastic muzzle with neck strap
available in 20 colours, 2 lengths
price: € 17,00

strong lightweight plastic muzzle

available in 8 sizes for Yorki to Great Dane,
3 colours
price: € 43,00 - 57,00

lassie speedy
colored walking muzzle

available in 6 colours and 3 sizes, for small up to middle size breeds
price: € 16,00

colored walking muzzle

very strong and light plastic muzzle with neck strap
available in 8 colours and in 2 sizes
price: € 20,00

how to measure the dogs head German descripton with some pictures how to mesaure a dogs head to find the correct size of the muzzle
how to get a dog used
to a muzzle
German descripton how to get a dog used to the muzzle, with a lot of pictures.
duty of muzzle and/or leash in Austria A brief list of duties with dogs in Austria.