Saluki male charly
large coursing muzzle
  • very light large plastic muzzle
  • very deep
  • fine-meshed basket
  • confortable because of the plain bottom
  • two sizes (size short only in black)
  • adjustable leather neck strap
  • 5 colors: white, black, red, yellow, light blue

charly charly charly charly

from the side from the bottom the front from above

charly schwarz charly schwarz charly schwarz

in black in white and black in red, yellow and light blue

English Pointer charly schwarz

English Pointer top: size short
bottom: size Standard

measures and form (on the picture modell rocky I)

depth: 12,0 cm
large: 8,0 cm behinde, 5,5 cm in front
length (basket): 8,0 cm

2 sizes:
length (bowes): 13,0 cm (size Standard)
length (bowes): 11,0 cm (size short)

for all large sighthounds till Deerhound!

one size  EUR 20,00

how to measure

If you are not sure about the size please contact me!

Maulkorb, lassie, Freizeitmaulkorb, Freizeit, Spaziergang, Beisskorb, Windhund, Azawakh, Afghane, Sloughi, Saluki, Greyhound, Whippet, Galgo espanol, Italienisches Windspiel, Deerhound, Irischer Wolfshund, Barsoi, Chart Polski, Tazi, Taigan, Rhodesian Ridgback, Dalmatiner, Deutscher Schäferhund, Malinois, Belgischer Schäferhund, Maulkorb, Maulkorb, Beisskorb, Beisskorb, Halskragen, Trichter, coursing, rennen, windhunderennen, racing, lure corsing