Sofahund paintings

ilvie MINI

ilvie MINI
smallest coursing muzzle
  • very light plastic muzzle (30 gr.)
  • for small dogs with long elegant heads,
    specially for Italien Greyhounds
  • comfortable because of the plain bottom
  • two sizes (length)
  • soft polymere, adapts easily on broad cheeks
  • adjustable leather neck strap
  • nose band made of PVC coated wire - only available at SOFAHUND
    this nose band can be shortened and
    you can adjust the width of the muzzle with it
  • colours: Black, White, Light Blue, Red

ilvie MINI
ilvie MINI
ilvie MINI

ilvie MINI size Standard ilvie MINI
top: size short
bottom: size Standard

compare muzzles:

classic size: IG 1

ilvie MINI
muzzles ilvie MINI Italian Greyhound

Maulkorb, lassie, Freizeitmaulkorb, Freizeit, Spaziergang, Beisskorb, Windhund, Azawakh, Afghane, Sloughi, Saluki, Greyhound, Whippet, Galgo espanol, Italienisches Windspiel, Deerhound, Irischer Wolfshund, Barsoi, Chart Polski, Tazi, Taigan, Jack russell terrier, fox terrier, parson russell terrier, Maulkorb, Maulkorb, Beisskorb, Beisskorb, Halskragen, Trichter, coursing, rennen, windhunderennen, racing, lure corsing, terrier rennen measures

depth: 7,0 cm
large: 6,0 cm behinde, 3,5 cm in front
length (basket - front to nose band): 6,0 cm

length (complete): 13 cm (size short)
length (complete): 15 cm (size Standard)

EUR 17,00

how to measure the dogs head

If you are not sure about the size please contact me!