Sofahund paintings

muzzle rocky IRL Saluki rocky IRL
large and strong coursing muzzle
  • light and firm plastic muzzle
  • 68gr.
  • very deep, also in front
  • comfortable because of the plain bottom
  • 2 sizes (lengths): Standard, short
  • same form as rocky I
  • adjustable leather neck strap
  • 5 colours: transparent, dark blue, light pink, grey and dark green

rocky IRL coursing muzzle
rocky IRL coursing muzzle

size Standard, colors:
transparent - grey
dark green - dark blue
light pink
top (grey): short reach
bottom (dark blue): Standard

coursing muzzle front
coursing muzzle rocky IRL

view of the front
view from above

saluki coursing muzzle
coursing muzzle rocky I and IRL

Saluki bitch with color dark green
left rocky IRL - right rocky I
Transparent - White
Light Pink - Pink

sizes and measures (symbol photo)

depth large (behind)
(in front)
(side part)
complete length
Standard 12 cm 8 cm 4,5 cm 8 cm 13 cm 21 cm EUR 20,00
short reach
12 cm 8 cm 4,5 cm 8 cm 11 cm 19 cm
extra strap

EUR 1,00

for all large sighthound breeds with a length of the head up to around 27cm

for large sighthound females with head around 24cm
for other breeds like Irish Terrier, Australian shepherd, Border Collie - just ask me!

strap (extension):
for very large sighthound breeds (Deerhound, Barzoi) with a length of the head over 27cm, there is available an additional long strap, because the standard strap may be too short

how to measure

If you are not sure about the size please contact me!

Maulkorb, lassie, Freizeitmaulkorb, Freizeit, Spaziergang, Beisskorb, Windhund, Azawakh, Afghane, Sloughi, Saluki, Greyhound, Whippet, Galgo espanol, Italienisches Windspiel, Deerhound, Irischer Wolfshund, Barsoi, Chart Polski, Tazi, Taigan, Rhodesian Ridgback, Dalmatiner, Deutscher Schäferhund, Malinois, Belgischer Schäferhund, Maulkorb, Maulkorb, Beisskorb, Beisskorb, Halskragen, Trichter, coursing, rennen, windhunderennen, racing, lure corsing